Monday, November 24, 2008

Setting a day to celebrate equality

The 52% victory of California's soon-to-be-determined-unconstitutional Proposition 8 shows the need for more understanding! The entrance of religious organizations into previously secular politics is a disturbing trend that needs to be examined. But there is no reason to engender further hatred and misunderstanding by excoriating those who think differently.

There are many documents outlining humanity's march toward establishment of universal human rights. Perhaps it is time to avail oneself of the opportunities provided through Internet search and either reacquaint oneself with, or engage in first study of the Magna Carta, the Age of Enlightenment and The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, and the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

Perhaps if people of goodwill work to establish March 21st as a day to celebrate the equality of all humans, our species will eventually reach the point where any activity designed to remove or denigrate inalienable rights will be seen as so obviously mean-spirited that it would never find a place on a ballot or other legislative agenda.

Please embrace the idea of "Equalnox" and celebrate March 21st as a worldwide day of equality!