No longer content with the status quo, a majority of Americans are feeling bitter, unhappy, pessimistic about the minority control the moneyed power brokers have over the US economy, federal budget, and priorities. Unless we find a way to change things there will be no more middle class, no retirement savings or Social Security for our grandchildren, reductions in healthcare, the end of Planned Parenthood, continued subjugation of native and minority populations, a stripping away of hard-fought gains in education and workplace rights...
But, on the positive - visualize a world where women are listened to, even sought for their insights and wisdom - a world that realizes a brain has no gender and consciousness has nothing to do with genitalia. Let's share a vision where women simply step outside of the distraction, diminishment and oppression offered by the dominant society and begin working together like never before to not only call attention to all the problems suffered but to craft solutions.
With a concentration on reaching people of compassion and higher mind, becoming part of a larger movement where women use all the modern tools of communication, crowd-sourcing, grants, television, YouTube videos, etc. to simply bypass all the barriers - thousands of intelligent, caring women who are sick and tired of the struggle for recognition and empowerment could begin building a new and better world without waiting for the unenlightened power structure's acceptance.
The future won't be exclusively female - as "male friends of a soul-sister" there will be many allies of the opposite sex who understand - but we need a new movement for full access to education and human rights for all women and girls everywhere, as in Alice Walker's concept of democratic womanism, the Dalai Lama's belief that the western woman will save the planet, and Michelle Obama's initiative, Let Girls Learn.
The Civil Rights movement came close to building a coalition of blacks, Chicanos and egalitarian whites before the deaths of Malcolm X (a different man after his "hajj"), Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy changed the course of history. Women working together could create an alliance of over half of all "mankind" - and the best way to do this would be by quietly, consistently forging new methods and alliances for change - until it moves from open secret to common knowledge that the intelligence, organization, drive and vision capable of healing and improving human life on this limited resource of Planet Earth is vested in the matriarchal ethic and point of view.
We must move beyond the testosterone infused attitudes of kill or be killed, to win someone else must lose (zero-sum game theory), to be successful one must conquer. Rather than tilting at windmills like Don Quixote, work around the roadblocks and entrenched attitudes. No need to defeat anyone. Concentrate on building, helping and creating systems that favor cooperation, education and financial advancement through team-building and concern for others. Let it start with females until the movement becomes so powerful and effective that there is no counter-argument. Let young girls from grade school forward teach their brothers and other young males to love and respect and help other humans. Break the tradition of older males passing on misogyny and brutality to their sons and younger brothers.
Yes, I'm bitterly disappointed in the state of the planet. Growing from an innocent child to a world-weary adult has been a sad journey, illusions and ideals shattered one by one. Although at times tempted, I have never felt that violent revolution could solve anything. So much better to build rather than destroy! But then the realization that we need revolutionary change but lack a means to accomplish it leaves one depressed and disheartened - immobilized. A door closed - but - another one opens!
Reading the concluding paragraphs of a recent Bloomberg article on female solidarity offered a sliver of hope, catapulted me into a vision of a possible future. In a unique twist, there was no smooth wrap up from the author. Instead she revealed that the moneyed, suited women at the conference stopped tapping their mobile devices, many moved to tears by an eloquent plea - that beyond their aspirations and their intellect, they were all capable of empathy and compassion - and that's the ray of sunshine that gives me hope, the impetus for this writing. http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-feel-good-female-solidarity-machine/ (Start two paragraphs above Michelle Obama's picture near the end of the article.)
I've been puzzling over 40 years on the great dilemma of our times - the need for revolution, a non-violent pervasive change of heart, mind and spirit - but with no effective method in existence to date. And in a flash of insight the answer presented itself: the future we want lies in our tomorrows, with women leading the way!
As a corollary to this enlightenment, I see now that all people of high mind and compassion need to get behind Hillary Clinton for president. I think Bernie knows (as we all know) that the office of president has been straight-jacketed by the Republican puppets of the uber-rich. And when the time comes he will become a passionate supporter for Hillary's campaign, content that he at least brought some light to the concerns of "small s" socialism. And electing Hillary will inspire women and girls planet-wide, helping to fulfill the nascent promise (thus far ignored) of the Age of Aquarius. The mystics, the seers, those who see Jesus as the avatar of the Piscean age all recognize that change does not come instantly or smoothly with any regularity. Indeed, the prediction is for "perturbation at the cusp." The dark forces are offering Trump, and the death throes of male domination - colonialism, imperialism, sexism, Isil - centuries of erroneous thinking are creating waves. But these are only the ripples caused by the collision of epochs - love will prevail. And who better than the women of this planet to lead us? Those who bring and nurture life, those who instinctively "help ever, hurt never," you are our hope, our benison, our guides.