“Closed loop” organizational systems are enabling the rise of dictatorship and the cult of populism around the world. I tend to fixate on the vanishing of participatory democracy in the United States, the country of my birth, but all over the planet the voice of the people is being denied.
The recent reveal of “Lessons Learned” documents illustrating expensive and pervasive failures of the US military actions in Afghanistan is not a singular expose’. It’s common practice for military commands and duty sections to maintain a log of unique situational learning and site specific practices. The lack of a feedback loop and the need to “cover your ass” and keep local failures a secret is the real problem. There is no covert sense, no plot to conceal, just the human tendency to keep ones dirty laundry behind closed doors.
The enemy of democracy is darkness. The failure to shine our light on sad realities keeps them hidden and thus we are handcuffed, unable to take corrective action. In our current system the heart of the humanist manifests as a permanent cry for help, a repetitive loop where atrocities are unearthed after the fact, pointed to with anguish and frustration, and the juggernaut rolls on with no perceptible change for good. But the answer is not greater sacrifice, as it’s not practical or wise to leave one’s home and family to throw your body on “the gears and levers of the machine.” Instead, we need to rethink and redesign our organizational structures to perform in a transparent fashion where reporting observational truth is not a sin, because we all share the ultimate goal of prevention and improvement.
The best job I ever had was working in a profit-sharing environment. Because we all were equally vested in the success of the company, every office had an open door, we could question any policy or procedure. The only constraint was our own sense of time, to not detract from the over all mission with time consuming philosophical discussion, just question, point out, move on. Quite often one’s question or observation became your own action item, and your “committee of one” became empowered to effect a change. In contrast, at the national level we have closed doors, closed minds and a minority of personal power brokers exerting control over a largely disenfranchised populace. We need a reexamination of these procedures and processes that are so out of line with the original concepts of representative government - we need a Constitutional chiropractor!
It’s been said that anyone can imagine a possible future, but the challenge lies in getting from point A to point B. England’s “Brexit” problem immediately comes to mind as an example. How about eliminating fossil fuels? We may need to do that! And how are we to get that done? Some who study governments will recommend their “best form of government,” a “benign dictatorship!” But woe unto the populace with an all powerful leader who is less than benign. So, we make a case for checks and balances within the structure, mix in the spirit of the French Enlightenment period and we emerge with the greatest governing document in the history of the planet, the United States Constitution. But now, in spite of the wisdom gifted to us by our founders, we find ourselves at loggerheads. Barely able to move benign legislation ahead, we have nihilists dismantling safeguards and packing the courts with partisan judges, factions of the ruling class at each other’s throats, gerrymandering, vote tampering, election fixing and a politics of denial and enforced religious morality - we are at a crossroads. Not only in the US, but planet-wide the citizenry know their leaders are failing them. The present rise of nationalism and populism is symptomatic of great frustrations, the sense that our governments are not providing for the common good.
There was great hope surrounding the birth of the United Nations, but in spite of many successes, we haven’t achieved world peace, the UN forum is host to diverse factions, there is no UN enforcement power, nations conspire to flaunt or openly disregard UN guidelines and authority when it suits their own agenda. In the early years of the UN, America had a great influence in the development of its charter, we were the guiding light, bright in the halo effect of our heroic efforts to help end World War II. Unfortunately, we then decided to invest secret government agencies with great power, enabling corporate colonialism, subverting the governments of other nations when it suited our twisted sense of entitlement. Nationalism can lead to committing atrocities in the name of “national security.”
So we are left with a systemic inefficacy, an inability to identify and solve our true problems, and a legacy of hate caused by years of violent actions across the globe. If we, the human race, are going to save the planet from the follies of our own technology and flawed beliefs we need to develop a new system that will allow accurate diagnosis, truthful presentation of our problems and obstacles, and a dispassionate process to repair and make our environment better. As great as the US governmental system is, it has become corrupted, incapable of instituting any positive and pervasive change. Too many legislators have sacrificed their ideals to the need for perpetual fund-raising and a capitulation to the lobbyist. Too many people, in government and out, place party loyalty, career and personal profit ahead of their nation, ahead of their planet!
Now, back to the “moving from A to B.” First, where are we now? Dysfunctional, unable to unite against the most pervasive and singular threat to all life on earth - ever! We’re fighting to save the planet that sustains us! Humans are a young species. Our growth in technical skills has surpassed our emotional and reasoning capabilities. Witness the mixed blessings of the industrial age, the nuclear age, and petrochemicals. Petrochemicals as fuel, petrochemicals as fodder for plastics, petrochemicals in prescription drugs. Products that never wear out. Chemicals created in laboratories with complex chains of molecules never found in nature. Chemicals that won’t break down into simpler elements. Global plastic pollution, climate change from carbon and methane releases that are accelerating, vanishing species and habitats, rising sea level. Climate change and industrial pollution threaten to devastate low income societies. 1% percent of the population controlling 90% of the wealth has not resulted in egalitarian solutions, has not resulted in prosperity for all, has not provided health care and quality education. “Status quo” is not working.
Now, what about point B? We’re going to need the wisdom, as a species, to agree that the greatest achievements of the human mind come from studied use of scientific method coupled with experiential insight. Experts representing life and bio sciences, geology, meteorology, computer scientists and programmers could be called on to guide enhanced computer studies in their specialties. Call a moratorium on war, an acknowledgement that all humanity must pull together, a social and cultural recognition that interpersonal conflict is non-productive and must cease. Saving the planet, treasuring the jewel of creation we reside on, this must be first.
Using all available modes of communication, let’s create a world scientific knowledge consortium of scientists - and financiers. In sci-fi movies, faced with global challenge the rulers of the world band together to solve the problem, fight the foe. In the real world, the governments are so beholden to special interests or hidebound in their thought, they are doing no better than sitting on their hands. In this cyber age the US is being divided by pernicious propaganda and a paucity of truth. The despoilers who profit from the status quo have and will continue to sell us out no matter who the ruling party is - just a difference of degree, perhaps. We will lose the planet if we continue on an “as is” basis. The intelligentsia of planet earth can and should develop a scientific plan to get us off fossil fuels, and make it pronto. Perhaps a coalition of planet saving consortiums working in parallel using various analytical methodologies. And once the expertise, AI and computing technology is defined, offer the concept to all the earth’s governments. For free, financed by “good guy” billionaires - they’re out there.
The people’s message to government is: We want to save the planet, we know it can’t be done through normal channels, so we’re offering the solution. But we need your support - we need governments to suspend obstacles to change. We need capitalists to realize the golden goose is damn near dead, you made a lot of bread, now it’s time to get out of the way. You’re lucky we don’t kill you for what you’ve done to the earth, to our children and grandchildren - for Christ’s sake, what you’ve done to your children and grandchildren! The Americans consulted the natives they were displacing when creating the Constitution, did the founders not hear about the seven generation concept? Dear government, let us work together to save the very earth that sustains us, and please, support our efforts fully!
At this point, we, the citizens of planet earth will have unified behind the concept of using scientific guidance to save the planet, presented the solution by organizing knowledge and computer power backed by volunteer financing of pooled knowledge consortiums, and if a suitable majority of governments do not agree to get out of the way and let the wisdom and guidance of brilliant and dedicated humans get us out of this ungodly mess - we go on strike. A worldwide walkout. No one goes to work or school - small groups gather in neighborhoods to talk, work on projects - share food. It could go on for weeks. Some people may even die, dying to save the planet for their children, all children. Even when people in horrible dictatorships who are threatened with brutality and gunfire opt out, the halting of the world economy should be enough impetus for change.
Hopefully a world wide strike would not be necessary. Governments may feel the need for expediency and choose to unite with the populace to fight the quickly encroaching escalation of destructive events. Either way, we still need to save the planet and our lives will be severely impacted. The sacrifices made by households in the World War II era will be more than matched by the sacrifices required to save the planet. Many existing businesses and institutions will be negatively affected and will likely mount disinformation campaigns, even incite violence. Money previously directed to weapon production could be used to smooth these technological and societal transitions. Most likely, a complete ban on petrochemicals may be required. Expect resistance.
But, finally, imagine restoring the planet and it’s ecosystems, using applied science to enhance and improve techniques in every sphere. Prove the efficacy of caring for every individual by providing access to housing, health care, education, and some kind of combination of employment and guaranteed income. In essence, make each nation a profit-sharing corporation. Entrepreneurs and high ranking management positions should have their monetary rewards, but ultimately, how much wealth does one person need? Some very basic societal values will have to change. And rather than divine the adjustments that must be made, we’ll have to embark on the journey together and as we go, redefine our values, remake our processes, re-dedicate our governments to the welfare of the people. With knowledge of past mistakes and the foibles of human nature well in our minds, we’ll be able to craft feedback and correction loops to insure efficient and ethical behavior in all our businesses and support systems. It will be a dicey and dangerous path to implement statistical watchdog systems without creating a nightmare Orwellian world, but the benefits of preventive controls to detect theft, identify inefficiencies and report contract breaches will help prevent corruption, waste and cover-ups. Big changes in attitude and law will be forthcoming, and not without resistance and argument. But before we get on that slippery slope - first, save the planet!
Saturday, December 14, 2019
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