Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Gift of Love

As the species homo sapiens learns of the primacy of thought through the study of quantum physics, our understanding of the true nature of creation increases, and a re-ordering of priorities occurs. Science proves rather than disproves the existence of God. We learn that Love is the force that propels, nourishes and sustains all life.

This Universal Force knows no dogma -- all religions are mere constructs of the human mind. And as our thoughts collapse down from the Sublime into our nested shells of actuality, the cultural imperatives we construct as a result of geographical and tribal history tend to divide rather than unify the planet.

It should be possible to share universal objectives even while retaining tribal and national autonomy. Once we agree upon basic human imperatives, isolate the folly of war as unnecessarily destructive and learn to work toward unified Earthly goals -- then we may enjoy maintaining our formerly divisive religions and political philosophies as cultural artifacts.

In this new perspective we value inner peace and embrace the tools of religion, but no longer allow any hierarchy of religion or state that would divide us from our fellow humans. Destruction, disempowerment and hubris disappear when education and understanding replace old schools of thought with respect for all life, through the divine gift of Love.

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